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Mahesh says 'one at a time'

Published on Thursday, 9 August 2012 08:28 // , ,

Superstar Mahesh Babu is one of the few heroes that has following in all the sections of audience. Families love him, kids adore him, masses go frenzy and youth treats him as their role model. When a hero knows he has following in certain section, his pickings would be easy. He could simply do films that enthrall his fans.

But a universal hero like Mahesh Babu doesn't have that liberty. He has to see that all of his fans feel happy with each and every film. That is not an easy task as mixing up different genres could prove fatal at times. Mahesh is aware of this and hence decided to take one at a time. He is doing a film that appeals to the masses and one that targets the families and the other one at youngsters.

Although every film has certain section as the main target, there will be few elements that will please all other sections. This is the strategy that Mahesh is following now. If the results are good he will continue in the same style for some time, or else he will have to come up with a better solution. Who said, being superstar is a bed of roses?
Mahesh babu One Section of Audience at a time, Mahesh babu SVSC, Mahesh babu targets Family Audience with Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu, Mahesh Babu Targets Family Audience

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