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Country needs a political alternative

Published on Sunday 5 August 2012 08:26 // , ,

New Delhi: Charging the government of not willing to rid the country of corruption, Anna Hazare on Sunday asked the people to pledge support to a party which provides for a political alternative and vote for their candidates.

Returning to blogging after his fast that ended last week, Anna said the country needs an alternative and the gram sabhas should pass a resolution to this effect, besides ensuring that more than 90 per cent voters exercise their franchise.

“You need lots of money to fight election these days. Where will the money come from if one wants to provide an alternative by fighting elections?

“All the six lakh gram sabhas in the country should pass a resolution that they will support the alternative and will vote for the party which will provide for this alternative…if such a resolution is passed, then we will be able to give an alternative,” Hazare said in his blog.

He said youth and students should tour villages to awaken them and get this resolution passed. “The gram sabhas should also pass a resolution committing that more than 90 per cent of its voters will exercise their franchise,” he said.

Noting that providing an alternative is not an easy job, he said it is also not an impossible job.

“But I want to emphasis that I will not contest election or form a party. I will tour the country to awaken people and ensure that good people go to Parliament. I think that people will welcome the alternative as they are suffering due to corruption,” he said.

He alleged that those in government have been intoxicated by power and money and they will not provide a corruption-free country.

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