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Free .edu Backlinks to Boost Your SEO Website Search Engine Rankings

Published on Thursday, 26 July 2012 03:48 //

I’ve located some very powerful free .edu backlinks for you and your internet marketing website.

Here is a very interesting thing to know as a marketer;the search engines do not see every backlink in the same way,free .edu backlinks that’s why these free .edu backlinks will greatly, help you boost your search engine rankings.

I know you are probably wondering or asking “what are .edu backlinks? “why are .edu backlinks so important for my website as an internet marketer” “how are .edu backlinks so important” and last question “what will the free .edu backlinks really do for my internet marketing website or blog”

Well let’s answer the questions dealing with free .edu backlinks.

Question #1- free .edu backlinks:

What are .edu backlinks?

.edu backlinks are a link to a website from a domain name or website name with an .edu extension. Also edu stands for education .edu= .education.

For example:

Ok so you get what I’m trying to show, and pretty soon you will see the power of the free .edu backlinks for your internet marketing website.

Another practical example I want you to see for yourself.

Next to time you buy a domain name; whether you use godaddy, namecheap or whichever site you use look in the extension section, you can even go to your domain provider right now and do this, pretend you are buying domain names. Once you choose the domain name look in the extension section you will see every extension from .com, .biz, .net, .me, .info, .org but you will never see the extensions .edu and .gov, simply because those extensions are given out by the government you can’t buy them, second only universities, colleges, and governments get these extensions; that’s what makes them so special for the search engines.

The free .edu backlinks has all the value in the internet marketing world.

Question #2 free .edu backlinks:

Why are .edu backlinks so important for my website as an internet marketer?

First off .edu backlinks are so important for your website as an internet marketer, because as internet marketers targeted website traffic is everything for us, and the best source for us to get targeted website traffic is through the search engines, and in order for us to get in the search engines we must have backlinks “BINGO” and this is where the free .edu backlinks come in.

.edu backlinks are special and private, they are only given to a certain group, hosted on another server, and sites with .edu extensions rank extremely high in the search engines.

Top Search engines like google, yahoo, bing, and ask Trust .edu websites. These search engines see .edu websites as valid,authority sources.

Being that said, when a marketer like me and you can get a free .edu backlink for our website; as a result the search engines will boost your website rankings because remember they trust these .edu sites, so as a result the search engines will see your internet marketing website as a valid source. It builds your site credibility and site authority.

Question #3 free .edu backlinks:

How are .edu backlinks so important?

Internet marketers, big seo companies, backlink companies you name it, individuals and companies are selling .edu backlinks for as much as 5$ to 7$ dollars for one .edu keyword. Marketers and companies know how valuable they are so they sell them for a hefty price, and they sell .edu backlinks in packages. You do not need to buy .edu backlinks because I’m giving away the free .edu backlinks for free. I will be giving more free .edu backlinks away so stay tuned better yet I will write an article showing you how to search and find .edu backlinks on the search engines.

Question #4 free .edu backlinks:

What will the free .edu backlinks really do for my internet marketing website or blog?

This is a very obvious answer. The free .edu backlinks will boost your website search engine rankings, boost your website authority, boost your website credibility, and as a result your internet marketing website will get a massive huge flow of targeted website traffic. I’m telling you the free .edu backlinks will come in very handy for your internet marketing website.

The list of free .edu backlinks.

  • Forums- free .edu backlinks

For the forums all you have to do is sign up set up your profile. When you are signing up in the section where it says home page, or website put in your website link, you must have this in your link http://www. Once you set up your profile with your website link in it, make sure you take a look at your profile to make sure your website link is in the your profile, and that’s it once your website link is in your profile the search engines will pick it up and count it as a .edu backlink to your website

Important Tip: (you do not need to post in the forums, all you have to do is insert your link in the website section in your profile, that in itself is the free .edu backlinks).

  • Blogs- free .edu backlinks

For the blogs all you have to do is find the comment section and write a real clean comment. You will simply insert your website link in the website section in the comment box, once they accept your comment that right there with your website link will be your free .edu backlinks.

  • Sign Up To Put Your Website link In your Profile- free .edu backlinks

For this all you do is sign up to these websites and add your website link on your profile.

  • Wiki Pages

For the wiki pages I created a special tutorial video for you to watch on how to get your free .edu backlinks. Watch It.

I hope use the free .edu backlinks to you website advantage. The free .edu backlinks will help you greatly. I will be giving more free .edu backlinks please stay tuned.

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